Special 50th Commemoration in Memory of the Heroic Chicano/a Revolutionary Martyrs—The Boulder Six, Who Gave Up Their Lives for the Oppressed, May 27, 29, 1974

This is coming out late on account of the issues Xinachtli is experiencing, which we’re doing a call-in campaign about. We’re hoping to digitize the text in these pictures. -Crs 06.06.2024
Special thanks to Xinachtli’s pal for transcribing this text. They didn’t ask to be named in a credit.

Social Media Security Alert

Aside from freealvaro.net, there is currently no other social media out there that is in control of Xinachtli or his support team.
Beware of any scams, fraud  or safety concerns any social media out there might engage in while posing as Xinachtli or his campaign.
This website (freealvaro.net) or 2024xinachtlifreedomcampaign [at] gmail [dot] com will notify the public if and when we create new social media for Xinachtli, …

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