Repression breeds resistance: A call for a methodology of radical solidarity and love to respond to the prison industrial complex and academia’s eugenic tendencies

By Xinachtli and  Emese Ilyés

From Sage Journals

This collaborative autoethnographic article traces psychology’s complicity in systems of oppression while highlighting pathways toward liberation. An expression and embodiment of radical solidarity, this article is the product of a research collaboration between an incarcerated justice advocate and a critical psychologist. …

Xinachtli Update – December 2023

ATTORNEYS SANDRA FREEMAN AND SUMMER AUBREY, with the indigenous and environmental defense group at Albuquerque, New Mexico,, recently lodged a human rights complaint with the UN Special Rapporteur Committee Against Torture and Racism, at Geneva, Switzerland,, protesting the ongoing torture of Chicano political prisoner Xinachtli, …

Chicano Revolutionary Internationalist Solidarity with the Oppressed Palestinian Masses in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip

THE CHICANO MASSES IN OUR OWN OCCUPIED LANDS INVADED, AND STOLEN BY YANKEE WAR CRIMINAL COLONIZERS, know the unspeakable pain and horrors of war crimes committed against the illegal occupation of our Texas, U.S. Southwest homeland, as suffering this very moment by the Palestinian masses in their own occupied homeland, by an illegitimate Israeli government that invaded Palestinian lands and imposed its war criminal government and maintained its illegal rule by state violence and terrorism, …

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