
If you’re interested in the case, offering promotions, support, or starting a local support chapter of the COMMITTEE TO FREE XINACHTLI,

  • At-Large Chapter across the “USA” (Active in 2025)
     2024xinachtlifreedomcampaign [at] gmail [dot] com
    We are in most frequent phone and e-communication with Xinachtli. We Natives and POC are an important revitalization of Xinachtli’s campaign.
  • Austin Chapter (Active in 2025)
    John S. Dolley, Jr.
    P.O. Box 7187,
    Austin, TX 78713
    twitchon [at] gmail [dot] com

For press inquiries and to schedule interviews with Xinachtli, please email 2024xinachtlifreedomcampaign [at] gmail [dot] com and write “press” in the subject line.