Xinachtli Update – December 2023

ATTORNEYS SANDRA FREEMAN AND SUMMER AUBREY, with the indigenous and environmental defense group at Albuquerque, New Mexico,, recently lodged a human rights complaint with the UN Special Rapporteur Committee Against Torture and Racism, at Geneva, Switzerland,, protesting the ongoing torture of Chicano political prisoner Xinachtli, the longest-held Chicano political prisoner in the U.S, going on 23 years in consecutive supermax control unit prisons in Texas.

Solitary conditions where Xinachtli is caged have been described by leading psychologist forensic expert Dr. Craig Haney as the worst he has ever seen in any U.S. Prison, via his testimony in the celebrated Texas prison conditions case, v Ruiz v. Johnson, 37F Supp. 855, at page 908. The human rights complaint asks the UN investigative panel of experts, who will be in the U.S. soon to investigate prisoner murders and inhumane conditions in Georgian prisons, to interview Xinachtli at Beeville, TX, for inclusion in their final report to the UN Commission on Human Rights, on international human rights violations in the U..

XINACHTLI is a jailhouse lawyer, poet, author, prison abolitionist, leader of the revolutionary prison movement, supported by the Jericho movement, and current inside collective member of Certain Days calendar committee and political prisoners support movement, @ A copy of this historical human rights complaint may be obtained from

Beginning 2024 Xinachtli is scheduled for another parole review hearing and his freedom campaign will soon announce what supporters can do to support the movement to free him from this wrongful COINTELPRO-style extra judicial captivity and 50 years jury sentence for disarming a Texas Sheriff in self defense.

See See also YOUTUBE, and #FreeAlvaro.


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