
This is the only authorized website in direct support of Xinachtli (s/n: Alvaro Luna Hernandez).

Xinachtli appears to hold the record of being the Native American political prisoner in the USA serving the longest time in solitary confinement, over 22 years.

Check out the security updates (below), recent posts (right), ways to donate, and let us know if you want to get involved.

Security Updates

Do not trust any social media not directly endorsed by Xinachtli (from you talking/writing him directly) or freealvaro.net. Aside from this website, here are the other social media platforms in control of Xinachtli and his campaign.

The donation links on this page are also in control of Xinachtli’s campaign.

Beware of any scams, fraud  or safety concerns any social media out there might engage in while posing as Xinachtli or his campaign.

This website (freealvaro.net) or 2024xinachtlifreedomcampaign [at] gmail [dot] com will notify the public if and when we create new social media for Xinachtli.

Previously, there was a Twitter and Facebook account freealvaro.net linked to, but we recently took these down from freealvaro.net since a past supporter who ran these lost access to them.

Xinachtli and Chris Preciado (Chris talking to Xinachtli over the phone to create this post for this site on 6 May 2024 and Chris updating this up until 3 March 2025)