Letter from Revolutionary Prisoner Xinachtli 11/2016


“[I]t is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains…”
– Sister Assata Shakur, soldier, Black Liberation Army, in exile in Cuba
Monday, 07 November 2016
Allred Prison Slave KKKamp
…In the true spirit of revolutionary internationalism, …

Letter from Revolutionary Prisoner Xinachtli 9/2016


“It is the duty of us poor people to work and to struggle to break the chains that make us slaves…” – Ricardo Flores Magon, Mexican revolutionary anarchist, assassinated by Leavenworth federal prison pigs, Nov. 21, 1922
Monday, 19 September 2016
Allred Prison Slave KKKamp
Dear international supporters,
From within the belly of U.S. …

Solidarity statements from PPs for RDTW 2016!

RDTW 2016

From Denver Anarchist Black Cross (ABC)

Political Prisoner Hanif Shabazz Bey’s Statement on Running Down the Walls 2016
Much respect to the organizers of this annual run, and the participants. I have been a runner since 1970, but now as I am turning 66, and the only place I have access to run is around a concrete basketball court, …

In Celebration of May Day


May 1st celebrates international workers’ day with rallies, marches and events staged by workers all over the world. Texas prison slaves join this celebration behind prison walls, in recognition that out of the death of plantation slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment, U.S. Constitution, was enacted in 1865 legislation legalizing slavery “as a punishment for crime”, …

Eulogy for Hugo ‘Yogi Bear’ Pinell

Power to the people! Power to our fallen Comrade Brother Hugo “Yogi Bear” Pinell! We were saddened by the news that Yogi was murdered last Wednesday, Aug. 12, during an alleged “prison riot” at a Sacramento maximum security prison, after Yogi’s recent release from decades in solitary confinement in the California prison system.

Alvaro Luna Hernandez on his case (rebroadcast) + music

“The main portion of the episode features an interview with Alvaro Luna Hernandez, a Chicano political prisoner serving a 50 year sentence in Texas for disarming a Sheriff who pulled a gun on him, and then fleeing. Mr. Hernandez speaks about his case, his legal history, his political development, and his imprisonment. …